Essential Oils for Anger

It has been a few intense weeks at the Friedman household. Basically raising 5 humans is like a daily bootcamp for me - I am sure my other moms out there get me. Motherhood is the most intense hood there ever way, lol. Anyways! I’ve got some great info to share with you!

I thought we could talk a minute about the science behind these molecules.

Because let’s be honest, they start to work and you tell people and they are like… how, explain it. lol. One of my favorite books is “The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple” by Dr. David Stewart. (The irony is the book is anything but simple - it is long and reads like a science text book). But anyways - here is some simple science to explore. We have 100 trillion cells in our bodies.  But one drop of essential oil contains approximately 40 million-trillion molecules. That means one drop of essential oils contains enough molecules to cover every cell in our body with 40,000 molecules. Pretty wild right? 

Because it only takes one molecule of the correct kind to open a cell receptor site and communicate with the DNA to alter cellular function, you can imagine how powerful the effects of a drop of oil can have on the body (including our emotions). No wonder why we can use an oil and we start to feel the effects. 

Essential Oils for Anger

In a previous blog we spent some time discussing the role of dopamine and serotonin and how essential oils positively influence them… so truly one drop can have profoundly positive results.  Below I’ve listed my top 4 recommended oils for anger. In addition to diffusing these, applying them over the liver, where we store anger, can be very impactful. 

Unlikely Anger Trigger 

Let’s chat a bout more about anger….I have a friend who used to have a terrible temper. After a while she started to put 2 and 2 together… and realized that her anger bursts would after come right after cleaning her house. Wild right? But when you consider the amount of harsh chemicals in your typical cleaners, chemicals that can cause an array of issues include hormonal issues, it starts to make sense to why her anger would get trigged right after cleaning. She made the simply switch to start using Thieves household cleaner, white vinegar and lemon essential oil, and stopped feeling ragey after cleaning.  Sometimes it is the simplest changes that can have massive results in our lives.

Here is a graphic that shows how reasonable Thieves cleaner is below. For less than $2 you can have an effective cleaner for your home. 


If you are still not sold on the idea that your household cleaners are laced in chemicals that are bad for your health - I linked a pubmed article here - this is one - I could have linked 100 of them!


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